Sunday, July 27, 2008

AOC Class Guide: dark templar class in aoc mmorpg

Dark Templars combine heavy armor, martial prowess and blood-thirsty magic with an all consuming desire for triumph.

They are warriors who have sold their humanity for unholy might, the power to feed upon the life of their enemies, spells that can reflect enemy attacks and unnatural powers of rejuvenation that have a darker, nightmarish twist to them.

Dark Templars wear heavy battle armor, have the lethal offensive capability of an expert soldier and wield vile sorcery. Their spells can leech life to enable a dark templar to heal themselves or their allies, conjure protective wards and unleash occult energies against enemies around them. They can even sacrifice their own life-force to power their invocations.

Archetype: Soldier

Permitted races: Aquilonian, Cimmerian

Weapons: One-handed edged, one-handed blunts, crossbows, and thrown weapons.

Armor: Heavy armor, medium armor, light armor, and shield

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