Sunday, July 27, 2008

AOC Class Guide: tempest of set class in hyborian wars

These priests wield the awesome destructive might of Set, the snake god of Stygia.

This elder god, ancient when man was young, rewards his most faithful disciplies with mighty powers; lightning strikes that can tear the tops from mountains or lay waste to entire regions. These followers of Set are renowned for the obliteration and ruin that follows in their wake, but like other priests, they have the power to heal en masse and restore life. As well as a variety of martial weapons, light armor, and shields, they can also wield magical talismans in the form of ancient tomes or the hearts of slain monsters.

Archetype: Priest

Permitted Races: Stygian

Weapons: One-handed blunts, one-handed edged, polearms, daggers, bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons.

Armor: Cloth armor, light armor, and shields

AOC Class Guide: ranger class in age of conan

Rangers are the finest marksmen in Hyboria, capable of stalking an enemy and delivering devastating shots with pinpoint accuracy.

From the skilled woodsmen of the Bossonian Marches to the shortbow wielding horsemen of the Stygian desert, their skills with a bow set them apart from other warriors. With an arsenal of specialist shots that can pin an enemy down, start bleeding wounds or pierce an enemy’s heart, they are difficult opponents. Knights fall to their fletched shafts and all the magic in hell cannot save a sorcerer with an arrow in their throat. They can fight in melee with swords and maces and wear medium armor, but their strengths lay with the bow.

Archetype: Rogue

Permitted Races: Cimmerian, Stygian, Aquilonian

Weapons: One-handed blunts, one-handed edged, daggers, bows, crossbows, and dual-wield

Armor: Cloth armor, light armor, medium armor, and shields

AOC Class Guide: Priest of mitra class in aoc

Priests of Mitra wield divine power that can aid, heal, and even bring the dead to life.

Their god is one of justice, security, and liberty, and their followers are ready to fight to ensure these freedoms and to battle against oppression, tyranny, and villainy. Priests of Mitra also have the strongest healing powers. They also have the ability to bombard the enemy with holy damage. Priests of Mitra wear light armor and use martial weapons. Their powers to augment those around, heal wounds, and impair enemies make them indispensable to any party exploring Hyboria.

Archetype: Priest

Permitted races: Aquilonian

Weapons: One-handed blunts, one-handed edged, daggers, crossbows, and thrown weapons

Armor: Cloth armor, light armor, and shield

AOC Class Guide: necromancer class in aoc

Necromancers summon and command the undead, and they are legion. Their ghoulish minions are capable of tearing men apart or casting their own death magic.

The rotten corpses of the dead follow wherever the necromancer leads.

The dark magic wielded by necromancers ranges from the unholy to pestilent corruption and the freezing touch of death. Through careful study they can develop the ability to call corpses from the earth to rise up and surround a foe or even attain lichdom, turning themselves into terrifying undead archmages.

Archetype: Mage

Permitted races: Stygian

Weapons: Daggers, crossbows, and thrown weapons

Armor: Cloth and silk armo

AOC Class Guide: Herald of xolti class in hyborian adventures

Heralds of Xotli are hybrids of the mage and soldier archetypes who wield alien spells and two handed weapons, making them a formidable enemy on the battlefield.

This class is for players who want to master both brutal swordplay and spectacular sorcery. The result of demonology that went beyond the realms of hell and earth and out into the cold empty wastes beyond the realm of existence, they now faithfully serve Xotli, a demon-god of the Elder Night and an entity even the Atlanteans learned to fear.

Archetype: Mage

Permitted races: Stygian

Weapons: Two-handed edged, crossbows, daggers, and thrown weapons

Armor: Cloth and silk armo

AOC Class Guide: guardian class in age of conan

Guardians are the most heavily armored and well drilled soldiers in Hyboria. Capable of withstanding punishment like no other, they also have an array of deadly attacks that deal devastating damage.

There is no more imposing sight in battle than a phalanx of guardians in full plate armor bearing sword and shield or ranked behind an impenetrable wall of pikes.

The guardian is the sturdiest of all the soldiers and their strength lies in their ability to mitigate damage with their heavy armor and shield. They do not use magic but focus on fighting with sword and shield or wielding pole arms capable of sweeping through ranks of enemies. As well as daunting defenses, they are renowned for their devastating charges, capable of ripping through enemy lines and slaughtering their opponents.

Archetype: Soldier

Permitted Races: Aquilonian, Cimmerian

Weapons: One-handed edged, one-handed blunts, polearms, crossbows, and thrown weapons

Armor: Full plate, heavy armor, medium armor, light armor, and shied

AOC Class Guide: Demonologist class in aoc

The demonologist is the mightiest of sorcerers, wielding the power of hell and earth and capable of conjuring pillars of flame or titanic storms of electricity.

So great is their occult knowledge they can bargain a servant of hell into doing their bidding, a guardian daemon of warped beauty and terrible might.

Demonologists concentrate solely on sorcery and the potency of their spells is unmatched, as capable of eliminating a single enemy in a hellish inferno as destroying enemy lines with forks of lightning. They can sacrifice their own life-force in return for more occult power and they are most potent when they can devote their spell energies solely to attack.

Archetype: Mage

Permitted races: Stygian

Weapons: Daggers, crossbows, and thrown weapons

Armor: Cloth and silk armo

AOC Class Guide: dark templar class in aoc mmorpg

Dark Templars combine heavy armor, martial prowess and blood-thirsty magic with an all consuming desire for triumph.

They are warriors who have sold their humanity for unholy might, the power to feed upon the life of their enemies, spells that can reflect enemy attacks and unnatural powers of rejuvenation that have a darker, nightmarish twist to them.

Dark Templars wear heavy battle armor, have the lethal offensive capability of an expert soldier and wield vile sorcery. Their spells can leech life to enable a dark templar to heal themselves or their allies, conjure protective wards and unleash occult energies against enemies around them. They can even sacrifice their own life-force to power their invocations.

Archetype: Soldier

Permitted races: Aquilonian, Cimmerian

Weapons: One-handed edged, one-handed blunts, crossbows, and thrown weapons.

Armor: Heavy armor, medium armor, light armor, and shield

AOC Class Guide: conquerer class in aoc

Conquerors are a sword-wielding fusion of heavy armor and battlefield command, rare individuals rising from the ranks of Aquilonian generals and barbarous Cimmerian war-leaders.

The conqueror’s martial might is almost unparalleled and they manipulate those fighting around them inspiring allies, demoralizing foes and drawing strength from the fury of battle. Conquerors are capable soldiers but their ability to augment their allies with battle-cries and inspirational auras, as well as causing disarray and degrading the fighting capability of the enemy make them unmatched masters of the battleground around them. They wield formidable two-handed weapons and can dual-wield for even more offensive power.

Archetype: Soldier

Permitted races: Aquilonian, Cimmerian

Weapons: One-handed blunts, two-handed blunts, one-handed edged, two-handed edged, crossbows, thrown weapons, and dual wielding.

Armor: Heavy armor, medium armor, and light armor.

AOC Class Guide: Bear Shaman class in aoc

The spirit of nature is strong in Cimmeria and has begun to manifest itself amongst the barbarians of the north.

Bear shamans can inherit aspects of the great bear like claws, savage strength or adrenaline surges and use spirit totems that heal and counter-attack enemy blows. They can also gain the power to heal and eventually resurrect fallen companions.

Bear shamans are able to equip the heaviest priest armor (medium) and are the sturdiest of all the priests. Capable of mighty combos with their two-handed weapons, and a complement of druidic enchantments, this makes them fearsome enemies in combat. In common with other priests, they also have many healing powers.

Archetype: Priest

Permitted races: Cimmerian

Weapons: Two-handed blunts, bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons

Armor: Cloth armor, light armor, and medium armor

AOC Class Guide:barbarian class in age of conan

The barbarian is one of the most dangerous and feared sights on the battlefield. Their combat style focuses on strength, aggression, and relentless assault.

Whether wielding two-handed weapons that sweep through enemy lines or fighting with a weapon in each hand, when the opportunity to deliver that devastating killing blow comes, they are ready.

Wounding barbarians enrages them, making them stronger and more deadly in battle and their varied array of powerful attacks can knock an enemy senseless, immobilize them, or make the very ground shake around them. Like other rogues, they excel at sneaking and the arts of ambushing.

Archetype: Rogue

Permitted Races: Cimmerian, Aquilonian

Weapons: One-handed edged, one-handed blunts, two-handed edged, two-handed blunts, bows, thrown weapons, and dual wielding.

Armor: Cloth armor and light armor

AOC Class Guide: assasin class

Assassins are the most lethal killers in Hyboria. Those aspiring to the top of this profession face the most deadly regime of training, discipline, and study, but the ones that survive are executioners supreme.

No other class can deliver blows as deadly as an assassin. Their arsenal of lethal combos is complimented by their ability to slip past enemies unseen.

Assassins can dual wield daggers with lightning speed and can modify their attacks against specific targets, such as unholy attacks against heavily armored foes, or poison attacks versus mana users. Few can stand against an assassin in combat.

Archetype: Rogue

Permitted Races: Aquilonian, Stygian

Weapons: Daggers, crossbows, and dual-wielding

Armor: Cloth armor and silk armor

Age of Conan classes : aoc classes

What class you choose for your character determines his or her skills in combat, the ability to equip specific types equipment and what feats they can acquire as they level up.

If you're looking for actual strategy guides for the different AoC classes, you might want to head over here to get your hands on a copy of the excellent Age of Conan Game Guide.

Classes are divided into four archetypes: the Soldier, the Rogue, the Priest and the Mage. After clicking on the race you want to be, the available class choices for that race will be lit up in the character creation interface.

These are the available classes click on the name to find out more information

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